Java Servlet 笔记
Servlet 是一个 Java 基于Web技术的组件,通过容器来管理,用于产生动态内容。该容器,有时也称为 Servlet 引擎。它与Web客户端通过一个由容器实现的 请求/响应 范例来进行交互。
Servlet 是 Java EE 中的一个接口:javax.servlet.Servlet
, 位于package javax.servlet
servlet接口定义的是一套处理网络请求的规范,所有实现servlet的类,都需要实现它那五个方法,其中最主要的是两个生命周期方法 init()
和 destroy()
- 你初始化时要做什么
- 你接受到请求时要做什么
- 你销毁时要做什么
servlet的本质是什么,它是如何工作的? - Javdroider Hong的回答 - 知乎
package javax.servlet;
public interface Servlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException;
public ServletConfig getServletConfig();
public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException;
public String getServletInfo();
public void destroy();
HttpServlet 抽象类源码
package javax.servlet.http;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.servlet.DispatcherType;
import javax.servlet.GenericServlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
public abstract class HttpServlet extends GenericServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final String METHOD_DELETE = "DELETE";
private static final String METHOD_HEAD = "HEAD";
private static final String METHOD_GET = "GET";
private static final String METHOD_OPTIONS = "OPTIONS";
private static final String METHOD_POST = "POST";
private static final String METHOD_PUT = "PUT";
private static final String METHOD_TRACE = "TRACE";
private static final String HEADER_IFMODSINCE = "If-Modified-Since";
private static final String HEADER_LASTMOD = "Last-Modified";
private static final String LSTRING_FILE =
private static final ResourceBundle lStrings =
* Does nothing, because this is an abstract class.
public HttpServlet() {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException
String protocol = req.getProtocol();
String msg = lStrings.getString("http.method_get_not_supported");
if (protocol.endsWith("1.1")) {
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, msg);
} else {
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg);
protected long getLastModified(HttpServletRequest req) {
return -1;
protected void doHead(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
if (DispatcherType.INCLUDE.equals(req.getDispatcherType())) {
doGet(req, resp);
} else {
NoBodyResponse response = new NoBodyResponse(resp);
doGet(req, response);
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String protocol = req.getProtocol();
String msg = lStrings.getString("http.method_post_not_supported");
if (protocol.endsWith("1.1")) {
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, msg);
} else {
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg);
protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String protocol = req.getProtocol();
String msg = lStrings.getString("http.method_put_not_supported");
if (protocol.endsWith("1.1")) {
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, msg);
} else {
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg);
protected void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String protocol = req.getProtocol();
String msg = lStrings.getString("http.method_delete_not_supported");
if (protocol.endsWith("1.1")) {
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, msg);
} else {
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg);
private static Method[] getAllDeclaredMethods(Class<?> c) {
if (c.equals(javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.class)) {
return null;
Method[] parentMethods = getAllDeclaredMethods(c.getSuperclass());
Method[] thisMethods = c.getDeclaredMethods();
if ((parentMethods != null) && (parentMethods.length > 0)) {
Method[] allMethods =
new Method[parentMethods.length + thisMethods.length];
System.arraycopy(parentMethods, 0, allMethods, 0,
System.arraycopy(thisMethods, 0, allMethods, parentMethods.length,
thisMethods = allMethods;
return thisMethods;
protected void doOptions(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
Method[] methods = getAllDeclaredMethods(this.getClass());
boolean ALLOW_GET = false;
boolean ALLOW_HEAD = false;
boolean ALLOW_POST = false;
boolean ALLOW_PUT = false;
boolean ALLOW_DELETE = false;
boolean ALLOW_TRACE = true;
boolean ALLOW_OPTIONS = true;
// Tomcat specific hack to see if TRACE is allowed
Class<?> clazz = null;
try {
clazz = Class.forName("org.apache.catalina.connector.RequestFacade");
Method getAllowTrace = clazz.getMethod("getAllowTrace", (Class<?>[]) null);
ALLOW_TRACE = ((Boolean) getAllowTrace.invoke(req, (Object[]) null)).booleanValue();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException |
IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
// Ignore. Not running on Tomcat. TRACE is always allowed.
// End of Tomcat specific hack
for (int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) {
Method m = methods[i];
if (m.getName().equals("doGet")) {
ALLOW_GET = true;
ALLOW_HEAD = true;
if (m.getName().equals("doPost"))
ALLOW_POST = true;
if (m.getName().equals("doPut"))
ALLOW_PUT = true;
if (m.getName().equals("doDelete"))
String allow = null;
if (allow==null) allow=METHOD_HEAD;
else allow += ", " + METHOD_HEAD;
if (allow==null) allow=METHOD_POST;
else allow += ", " + METHOD_POST;
if (allow==null) allow=METHOD_PUT;
else allow += ", " + METHOD_PUT;
if (allow==null) allow=METHOD_DELETE;
else allow += ", " + METHOD_DELETE;
if (allow==null) allow=METHOD_TRACE;
else allow += ", " + METHOD_TRACE;
if (allow==null) allow=METHOD_OPTIONS;
else allow += ", " + METHOD_OPTIONS;
resp.setHeader("Allow", allow);
protected void doTrace(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException
int responseLength;
String CRLF = "\r\n";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("TRACE ").append(req.getRequestURI())
.append(" ").append(req.getProtocol());
Enumeration<String> reqHeaderEnum = req.getHeaderNames();
while( reqHeaderEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
String headerName = reqHeaderEnum.nextElement();
buffer.append(CRLF).append(headerName).append(": ")
responseLength = buffer.length();
ServletOutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream();
protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String method = req.getMethod();
if (method.equals(METHOD_GET)) {
long lastModified = getLastModified(req);
if (lastModified == -1) {
// servlet doesn't support if-modified-since, no reason
// to go through further expensive logic
doGet(req, resp);
} else {
long ifModifiedSince;
try {
ifModifiedSince = req.getDateHeader(HEADER_IFMODSINCE);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// Invalid date header - proceed as if none was set
ifModifiedSince = -1;
if (ifModifiedSince < (lastModified / 1000 * 1000)) {
// If the servlet mod time is later, call doGet()
// Round down to the nearest second for a proper compare
// A ifModifiedSince of -1 will always be less
maybeSetLastModified(resp, lastModified);
doGet(req, resp);
} else {
} else if (method.equals(METHOD_HEAD)) {
long lastModified = getLastModified(req);
maybeSetLastModified(resp, lastModified);
doHead(req, resp);
} else if (method.equals(METHOD_POST)) {
doPost(req, resp);
} else if (method.equals(METHOD_PUT)) {
doPut(req, resp);
} else if (method.equals(METHOD_DELETE)) {
doDelete(req, resp);
} else if (method.equals(METHOD_OPTIONS)) {
} else if (method.equals(METHOD_TRACE)) {
} else {
// Note that this means NO servlet supports whatever
// method was requested, anywhere on this server.
String errMsg = lStrings.getString("http.method_not_implemented");
Object[] errArgs = new Object[1];
errArgs[0] = method;
errMsg = MessageFormat.format(errMsg, errArgs);
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, errMsg);
private void maybeSetLastModified(HttpServletResponse resp,
long lastModified) {
if (resp.containsHeader(HEADER_LASTMOD))
if (lastModified >= 0)
resp.setDateHeader(HEADER_LASTMOD, lastModified);
public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {
HttpServletRequest request;
HttpServletResponse response;
try {
request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ServletException(lStrings.getString("http.non_http"));
service(request, response);
class NoBodyResponse extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {
private final NoBodyOutputStream noBody;
private PrintWriter writer;
private boolean didSetContentLength;
// file private
NoBodyResponse(HttpServletResponse r) {
noBody = new NoBodyOutputStream(this);
// file private
void setContentLength() {
if (!didSetContentLength) {
if (writer != null) {
// SERVLET RESPONSE interface methods
public void setContentLength(int len) {
didSetContentLength = true;
public void setContentLengthLong(long len) {
didSetContentLength = true;
public void setHeader(String name, String value) {
super.setHeader(name, value);
public void addHeader(String name, String value) {
super.addHeader(name, value);
public void setIntHeader(String name, int value) {
super.setIntHeader(name, value);
public void addIntHeader(String name, int value) {
super.addIntHeader(name, value);
private void checkHeader(String name) {
if ("content-length".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
didSetContentLength = true;
public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
return noBody;
public PrintWriter getWriter() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if (writer == null) {
OutputStreamWriter w;
w = new OutputStreamWriter(noBody, getCharacterEncoding());
writer = new PrintWriter(w);
return writer;
class NoBodyOutputStream extends ServletOutputStream {
private static final String LSTRING_FILE =
private static final ResourceBundle lStrings =
private final HttpServletResponse response;
private boolean flushed = false;
private int contentLength = 0;
// file private
NoBodyOutputStream(HttpServletResponse response) {
this.response = response;
// file private
int getContentLength() {
return contentLength;
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
public void write(byte buf[], int offset, int len) throws IOException {
if (buf == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
if (offset < 0 || len < 0 || offset+len > buf.length) {
String msg = lStrings.getString("");
Object[] msgArgs = new Object[3];
msgArgs[0] = Integer.valueOf(offset);
msgArgs[1] = Integer.valueOf(len);
msgArgs[2] = Integer.valueOf(buf.length);
msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, msgArgs);
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(msg);
contentLength += len;
public boolean isReady() {
return false;
public void setWriteListener(javax.servlet.WriteListener listener) {
private void checkCommit() throws IOException {
if (!flushed && contentLength > response.getBufferSize()) {
flushed = true;
答案是servlet容器,比如我们最常用的tomcat,同样,你可以随便谷歌一个servlet的hello world教程,里面肯定会让你把servlet部署到一个容器中,不然你的servlet压根不会起作用。
socket 是具体负责发送请求的。servlet 不管收发,只管处理请求生成响应,比 socket 的层次高。servlet 不能脱离 tomcat 等容器存在,他只是流水线上的一个部件。
servlet的本质是什么,它是如何工作的? - Javdroider Hong的回答 - 知乎
1、init(FilterConfig config)
2、doFilter(ServletRequest request,ServletResponse response,FilterChain chain)
总的来说,web.xml的加载顺序是: listener -> filter -> servlet
2、Web应用启动时立即创建Servlet实例,即load-on-start Servlet。
只有一个servlet实例。一个servlet是在第一次被访问时加载到内存并实例化的。同样的业务请求共享一个servlet实例。不同的业务请求一般对应不同的servlet. 想也知道拉,如果一个网站要被几千万人同时登录,如果创建几千万个实例的话服务器还怎么跑得动?
对java servlet 单例模式的理解
Servlet 是单例吗 ?
Servlet 默认是单例模式,在web 容器中只创建一个实例,所以多个线程同时访问servlet的时候,Servlet是线程不安全的。
1、实现 javax.servlet.SingleThreadModel 接口(已废弃)
Servlet 是线程安全的吗?
servlet是单例的 所以需要线程安全 以及如何实现线程安全
想在 Filter 中打印 ServletRequest 到日志,发现总是报错
getInputStream() has already been called for this request
java.lang.IllegalStateException: getReader() has already been called for this request
ServletRequest 源码
package javax.servlet;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
* Defines an object to provide client request information to a servlet. The
* servlet container creates a <code>ServletRequest</code> object and passes it
* as an argument to the servlet's <code>service</code> method.
* <p>
* A <code>ServletRequest</code> object provides data including parameter name
* and values, attributes, and an input stream. Interfaces that extend
* <code>ServletRequest</code> can provide additional protocol-specific data
* (for example, HTTP data is provided by
* {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest}.
* @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
public interface ServletRequest {
* Returns the value of the named attribute as an <code>Object</code>, or
* <code>null</code> if no attribute of the given name exists.
* <p>
* Attributes can be set two ways. The servlet container may set attributes
* to make available custom information about a request. For example, for
* requests made using HTTPS, the attribute
* <code>javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate</code> can be used to
* retrieve information on the certificate of the client. Attributes can
* also be set programmatically using {@link ServletRequest#setAttribute}.
* This allows information to be embedded into a request before a
* {@link RequestDispatcher} call.
* <p>
* Attribute names should follow the same conventions as package names.
* Names beginning with <code>java.*</code> and <code>javax.*</code> are
* reserved for use by the Servlet specification. Names beginning with
* <code>sun.*</code>, <code>com.sun.*</code>, <code>oracle.*</code> and
* <code>*</code>) are reserved for use by Oracle Corporation.
* @param name
* a <code>String</code> specifying the name of the attribute
* @return an <code>Object</code> containing the value of the attribute, or
* <code>null</code> if the attribute does not exist
public Object getAttribute(String name);
* Returns an <code>Enumeration</code> containing the names of the
* attributes available to this request. This method returns an empty
* <code>Enumeration</code> if the request has no attributes available to
* it.
* @return an <code>Enumeration</code> of strings containing the names of the
* request's attributes
public Enumeration<String> getAttributeNames();
* Returns the name of the character encoding used in the body of this
* request. This method returns <code>null</code> if the request does not
* specify a character encoding
* @return a <code>String</code> containing the name of the character
* encoding, or <code>null</code> if the request does not specify a
* character encoding
public String getCharacterEncoding();
* Overrides the name of the character encoding used in the body of this
* request. This method must be called prior to reading request parameters
* or reading input using getReader().
* @param env
* a <code>String</code> containing the name of the character
* encoding.
* @throws
* if this is not a valid encoding
public void setCharacterEncoding(String env)
* Returns the length, in bytes, of the request body and made available by
* the input stream, or -1 if the length is not known. For HTTP servlets,
* same as the value of the CGI variable CONTENT_LENGTH.
* @return an integer containing the length of the request body or -1 if the
* length is not known or is greater than {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}
public int getContentLength();
* Returns the length, in bytes, of the request body and made available by
* the input stream, or -1 if the length is not known. For HTTP servlets,
* same as the value of the CGI variable CONTENT_LENGTH.
* @return a long integer containing the length of the request body or -1 if
* the length is not known
* @since Servlet 3.1
public long getContentLengthLong();
* Returns the MIME type of the body of the request, or <code>null</code> if
* the type is not known. For HTTP servlets, same as the value of the CGI
* variable CONTENT_TYPE.
* @return a <code>String</code> containing the name of the MIME type of the
* request, or null if the type is not known
public String getContentType();
* Retrieves the body of the request as binary data using a
* {@link ServletInputStream}. Either this method or {@link #getReader} may
* be called to read the body, not both.
* @return a {@link ServletInputStream} object containing the body of the
* request
* @exception IllegalStateException
* if the {@link #getReader} method has already been called
* for this request
* @exception IOException
* if an input or output exception occurred
public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;
* Returns the value of a request parameter as a <code>String</code>, or
* <code>null</code> if the parameter does not exist. Request parameters are
* extra information sent with the request. For HTTP servlets, parameters
* are contained in the query string or posted form data.
* <p>
* You should only use this method when you are sure the parameter has only
* one value. If the parameter might have more than one value, use
* {@link #getParameterValues}.
* <p>
* If you use this method with a multivalued parameter, the value returned
* is equal to the first value in the array returned by
* <code>getParameterValues</code>.
* <p>
* If the parameter data was sent in the request body, such as occurs with
* an HTTP POST request, then reading the body directly via
* {@link #getInputStream} or {@link #getReader} can interfere with the
* execution of this method.
* @param name
* a <code>String</code> specifying the name of the parameter
* @return a <code>String</code> representing the single value of the
* parameter
* @see #getParameterValues
public String getParameter(String name);
* Returns an <code>Enumeration</code> of <code>String</code> objects
* containing the names of the parameters contained in this request. If the
* request has no parameters, the method returns an empty
* <code>Enumeration</code>.
* @return an <code>Enumeration</code> of <code>String</code> objects, each
* <code>String</code> containing the name of a request parameter;
* or an empty <code>Enumeration</code> if the request has no
* parameters
public Enumeration<String> getParameterNames();
* Returns an array of <code>String</code> objects containing all of the
* values the given request parameter has, or <code>null</code> if the
* parameter does not exist.
* <p>
* If the parameter has a single value, the array has a length of 1.
* @param name
* a <code>String</code> containing the name of the parameter
* whose value is requested
* @return an array of <code>String</code> objects containing the parameter's
* values
* @see #getParameter
public String[] getParameterValues(String name);
* Returns a java.util.Map of the parameters of this request. Request
* parameters are extra information sent with the request. For HTTP
* servlets, parameters are contained in the query string or posted form
* data.
* @return an immutable java.util.Map containing parameter names as keys and
* parameter values as map values. The keys in the parameter map are
* of type String. The values in the parameter map are of type
* String array.
public Map<String, String[]> getParameterMap();
* Returns the name and version of the protocol the request uses in the form
* <i>protocol/majorVersion.minorVersion</i>, for example, HTTP/1.1. For
* HTTP servlets, the value returned is the same as the value of the CGI
* variable <code>SERVER_PROTOCOL</code>.
* @return a <code>String</code> containing the protocol name and version
* number
public String getProtocol();
* Returns the name of the scheme used to make this request, for example,
* <code>http</code>, <code>https</code>, or <code>ftp</code>. Different
* schemes have different rules for constructing URLs, as noted in RFC 1738.
* @return a <code>String</code> containing the name of the scheme used to
* make this request
public String getScheme();
* Returns the host name of the server to which the request was sent. It is
* the value of the part before ":" in the <code>Host</code> header value,
* if any, or the resolved server name, or the server IP address.
* @return a <code>String</code> containing the name of the server
public String getServerName();
* Returns the port number to which the request was sent. It is the value of
* the part after ":" in the <code>Host</code> header value, if any, or the
* server port where the client connection was accepted on.
* @return an integer specifying the port number
public int getServerPort();
* Retrieves the body of the request as character data using a
* <code>BufferedReader</code>. The reader translates the character data
* according to the character encoding used on the body. Either this method
* or {@link #getInputStream} may be called to read the body, not both.
* @return a <code>BufferedReader</code> containing the body of the request
* @exception
* if the character set encoding used is not supported and
* the text cannot be decoded
* @exception IllegalStateException
* if {@link #getInputStream} method has been called on this
* request
* @exception IOException
* if an input or output exception occurred
* @see #getInputStream
public BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException;
* Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy
* that sent the request. For HTTP servlets, same as the value of the CGI
* variable <code>REMOTE_ADDR</code>.
* @return a <code>String</code> containing the IP address of the client
* that sent the request
public String getRemoteAddr();
* Returns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that
* sent the request. If the engine cannot or chooses not to resolve the
* hostname (to improve performance), this method returns the dotted-string
* form of the IP address. For HTTP servlets, same as the value of the CGI
* variable <code>REMOTE_HOST</code>.
* @return a <code>String</code> containing the fully qualified name of the
* client
public String getRemoteHost();
* Stores an attribute in this request. Attributes are reset between
* requests. This method is most often used in conjunction with
* {@link RequestDispatcher}.
* <p>
* Attribute names should follow the same conventions as package names.
* Names beginning with <code>java.*</code> and <code>javax.*</code> are
* reserved for use by the Servlet specification. Names beginning with
* <code>sun.*</code>, <code>com.sun.*</code>, <code>oracle.*</code> and
* <code>*</code>) are reserved for use by Oracle Corporation.
* <br>
* If the object passed in is null, the effect is the same as calling
* {@link #removeAttribute}. <br>
* It is warned that when the request is dispatched from the servlet resides
* in a different web application by <code>RequestDispatcher</code>, the
* object set by this method may not be correctly retrieved in the caller
* servlet.
* @param name
* a <code>String</code> specifying the name of the attribute
* @param o
* the <code>Object</code> to be stored
public void setAttribute(String name, Object o);
* Removes an attribute from this request. This method is not generally
* needed as attributes only persist as long as the request is being
* handled.
* <p>
* Attribute names should follow the same conventions as package names.
* Names beginning with <code>java.*</code> and <code>javax.*</code> are
* reserved for use by the Servlet specification. Names beginning with
* <code>sun.*</code>, <code>com.sun.*</code>, <code>oracle.*</code> and
* <code>*</code>) are reserved for use by Oracle Corporation.
* @param name
* a <code>String</code> specifying the name of the attribute to
* remove
public void removeAttribute(String name);
* Returns the preferred <code>Locale</code> that the client will accept
* content in, based on the Accept-Language header. If the client request
* doesn't provide an Accept-Language header, this method returns the
* default locale for the server.
* @return the preferred <code>Locale</code> for the client
public Locale getLocale();
* Returns an <code>Enumeration</code> of <code>Locale</code> objects
* indicating, in decreasing order starting with the preferred locale, the
* locales that are acceptable to the client based on the Accept-Language
* header. If the client request doesn't provide an Accept-Language header,
* this method returns an <code>Enumeration</code> containing one
* <code>Locale</code>, the default locale for the server.
* @return an <code>Enumeration</code> of preferred <code>Locale</code>
* objects for the client
public Enumeration<Locale> getLocales();
* Returns a boolean indicating whether this request was made using a secure
* channel, such as HTTPS.
* @return a boolean indicating if the request was made using a secure
* channel
public boolean isSecure();
* Returns a {@link RequestDispatcher} object that acts as a wrapper for the
* resource located at the given path. A <code>RequestDispatcher</code>
* object can be used to forward a request to the resource or to include the
* resource in a response. The resource can be dynamic or static.
* <p>
* The pathname specified may be relative, although it cannot extend outside
* the current servlet context. If the path begins with a "/" it is
* interpreted as relative to the current context root. This method returns
* <code>null</code> if the servlet container cannot return a
* <code>RequestDispatcher</code>.
* <p>
* The difference between this method and
* {@link ServletContext#getRequestDispatcher} is that this method can take
* a relative path.
* @param path
* a <code>String</code> specifying the pathname to the resource.
* If it is relative, it must be relative against the current
* servlet.
* @return a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> object that acts as a wrapper for
* the resource at the specified path, or <code>null</code> if the
* servlet container cannot return a <code>RequestDispatcher</code>
* @see RequestDispatcher
* @see ServletContext#getRequestDispatcher
public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path);
* @param path The virtual path to be converted to a real path
* @return {@link ServletContext#getRealPath(String)}
* @deprecated As of Version 2.1 of the Java Servlet API, use
* {@link ServletContext#getRealPath} instead.
// Spec API does not use @Deprecated
public String getRealPath(String path);
* Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) source port of the client or last
* proxy that sent the request.
* @return an integer specifying the port number
* @since Servlet 2.4
public int getRemotePort();
* Returns the host name of the Internet Protocol (IP) interface on which
* the request was received.
* @return a <code>String</code> containing the host name of the IP on which
* the request was received.
* @since Servlet 2.4
public String getLocalName();
* Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the interface on which the
* request was received.
* @return a <code>String</code> containing the IP address on which the
* request was received.
* @since Servlet 2.4
public String getLocalAddr();
* Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) port number of the interface on which
* the request was received.
* @return an integer specifying the port number
* @since Servlet 2.4
public int getLocalPort();
* @return TODO
* @since Servlet 3.0 TODO SERVLET3 - Add comments
public ServletContext getServletContext();
* @return TODO
* @throws IllegalStateException If async is not supported for this request
* @since Servlet 3.0 TODO SERVLET3 - Add comments
public AsyncContext startAsync() throws IllegalStateException;
* @param servletRequest The ServletRequest with which to initialise the
* asynchronous context
* @param servletResponse The ServletResponse with which to initialise the
* asynchronous context
* @return TODO
* @throws IllegalStateException If async is not supported for this request
* @since Servlet 3.0 TODO SERVLET3 - Add comments
public AsyncContext startAsync(ServletRequest servletRequest,
ServletResponse servletResponse) throws IllegalStateException;
* @return TODO
* @since Servlet 3.0 TODO SERVLET3 - Add comments
public boolean isAsyncStarted();
* @return TODO
* @since Servlet 3.0 TODO SERVLET3 - Add comments
public boolean isAsyncSupported();
* Get the current AsyncContext.
* @return The current AsyncContext
* @throws IllegalStateException if the request is not in asynchronous mode
* (i.e. @link #isAsyncStarted() is {@code false})
* @since Servlet 3.0
public AsyncContext getAsyncContext();
* @return TODO
* @since Servlet 3.0 TODO SERVLET3 - Add comments
public DispatcherType getDispatcherType();
上一篇 阿里云ECS使用记录
下一篇 Vue
: host
: hostname
: origin
: pathname
: href
: document:
: navigator:
: userAgent