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sift_features()是用默认参数进行特征点检测, _sift_features()允许用户输入各种检测参数,其实sift_features()中也是再次调用_sift_features()函数。


  • 步骤一:建立尺度空间,即建立高斯差分(DoG)金字塔dog_pyr
  • 步骤二:在尺度空间中检测极值点,并进行精确定位和筛选
  • 步骤三:特征点方向赋值,完成此步骤后,每个特征点有三个信息:位置、尺度、方向
  • 步骤四:计算特征描述子


int _sift_features( IplImage* img, struct feature** feat, int intvls,  
                   double sigma, double contr_thr, int curv_thr,  
                   int img_dbl, int descr_width, int descr_hist_bins )  
    IplImage* init_img;//原图经初始化后的图像,归一化的32位灰度图  
    IplImage*** gauss_pyr, *** dog_pyr;//三级指针,高斯金字塔图像组,DoG金字塔图像组  
    CvMemStorage* storage;//存储器  
    CvSeq* features;//存储特征点的序列,序列中存放的是struct feature类型的指针  
    int octvs, i, n = 0;  

    /* check arguments */  
    if( ! img )  
        fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d",  __FILE__, __LINE__ );  

    if( ! feat )  
        fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d",  __FILE__, __LINE__ );  

    /* build scale space pyramid; smallest dimension of top level is ~4 pixels */  

    init_img = create_init_img( img, img_dbl, sigma );  
    octvs = log( MIN( init_img->width, init_img->height ) ) / log(2) - 2;  
    gauss_pyr = build_gauss_pyr( init_img, octvs, intvls, sigma );  
    dog_pyr = build_dog_pyr( gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls );  

    storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );  
    features = scale_space_extrema( dog_pyr, octvs, intvls, contr_thr, curv_thr, storage );  
    calc_feature_scales( features, sigma, intvls );  
    if( img_dbl )//将特征点序列中每个特征点的坐标减半(当设置了将图像放大为原图的2倍时,特征点检测完之后调用)  
        adjust_for_img_dbl( features );  

    calc_feature_oris( features, gauss_pyr );  

    compute_descriptors( features, gauss_pyr, descr_width, descr_hist_bins );  

    /* sort features by decreasing scale and move from CvSeq to array */  
    cvSeqSort( features, (CvCmpFunc)feature_cmp, NULL );  

    //将CvSeq类型的特征点序列features转换为通用的struct feature类型的数组feat  
    n = features->total;//特征点个数  
    *feat = calloc( n, sizeof(struct feature) );//分配控件  
    *feat = cvCvtSeqToArray( features, *feat, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );  

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  
        free( (*feat)[i].feature_data );  
        (*feat)[i].feature_data = NULL;  

    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );//释放内存存储器  
    cvReleaseImage( &init_img );//释放初始化后的图像  
    release_pyr( &gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls + 3 );//释放高斯金字塔图像组  
    release_pyr( &dog_pyr, octvs, intvls + 2 );//释放高斯差分金字塔图像组  

    return n;//返回检测到的特征点的个数  


Functions for detecting SIFT image features. 

For more information, refer to: 

Lowe, D.  Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints. 
<EM>International Journal of Computer Vision, 60</EM>, 2 (2004), 

Copyright (C) 2006-2010  Rob Hess <hess@eecs.oregonstate.edu> 
Note: The SIFT algorithm is patented in the United States and cannot be 
used in commercial products without a license from the University of 
British Columbia.  For more information, refer to the file LICENSE.ubc 
that accompanied this distribution. 

@version 1.1.2-20100521 


#ifndef SIFT_H  
#define SIFT_H  

#include "cxcore.h"  

/******************************** Structures *********************************/  

/** holds feature data relevant to detection */  
struct detection_data  
    int r;      //特征点所在的行  
    int c;      //特征点所在的列  
    int octv;   //高斯差分金字塔中,特征点所在的组  
    int intvl;  //高斯差分金字塔中,特征点所在的组中的层  
    double subintvl;  //特征点在层方向(σ方向,intvl方向)上的亚像素偏移量  
    double scl_octv;  //特征点所在的组的尺度  

struct feature;  

/******************************* 一些默认参数 *****************************/  
/******************************* Defs and macros *****************************/  

/** default number of sampled intervals per octave */  
#define SIFT_INTVLS 3  

/** default sigma for initial gaussian smoothing */  
#define SIFT_SIGMA 1.6  

/** default threshold on keypoint contrast |D(x)| */  
#define SIFT_CONTR_THR 0.04  

/** default threshold on keypoint ratio of principle curvatures */  
#define SIFT_CURV_THR 10  

/** double image size before pyramid construction? */  
#define SIFT_IMG_DBL 1  

/* assumed gaussian blur for input image */  
#define SIFT_INIT_SIGMA 0.5  

/* width of border in which to ignore keypoints */  
#define SIFT_IMG_BORDER 5  

/* maximum steps of keypoint interpolation before failure */  

/* default number of bins in histogram for orientation assignment */  
#define SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS 36  

//特征点方向赋值过程中,搜索邻域的半径为:3 * 1.5 * σ  
/* determines gaussian sigma for orientation assignment */  
#define SIFT_ORI_SIG_FCTR 1.5  

//特征点方向赋值过程中,搜索邻域的半径为:3 * 1.5 * σ  
/* determines the radius of the region used in orientation assignment */  

/* number of passes of orientation histogram smoothing */  

/* orientation magnitude relative to max that results in new feature */  
#define SIFT_ORI_PEAK_RATIO 0.8  

/** default width of descriptor histogram array */  
#define SIFT_DESCR_WIDTH 4  

/** default number of bins per histogram in descriptor array */  

/* determines the size of a single descriptor orientation histogram */  
#define SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR 3.0  

/* threshold on magnitude of elements of descriptor vector */  
#define SIFT_DESCR_MAG_THR 0.2  

/* factor used to convert floating-point descriptor to unsigned char */  
#define SIFT_INT_DESCR_FCTR 512.0  

/* returns a feature's detection data */  
#define feat_detection_data(f) ( (struct detection_data*)(f->feature_data) )  

/*************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/  

Finds SIFT features in an image using default parameter values.  All 
detected features are stored in the array pointed to by \a feat. 
@param img the image in which to detect features 
@param feat a pointer to an array in which to store detected features; memory 
    for this array is allocated by this function and must be freed by the caller 
    using free(*feat) 
@return Returns the number of features stored in \a feat or -1 on failure 
@see _sift_features() 
extern int sift_features( IplImage* img, struct feature** feat );  

Find a SIFT features in an image using user-specified parameter values.  All 
detected features are stored in the array pointed to by \a feat. 

@param img the image in which to detect features 
@param feat a pointer to an array in which to store detected features; memory 
    for this array is allocated by this function and must be freed by the caller 
    using free(*feat) 
@param intvls the number of intervals sampled per octave of scale space 
@param sigma the amount of Gaussian smoothing applied to each image level 
    before building the scale space representation for an octave 
@param contr_thr a threshold on the value of the scale space function 
    \f$\left|D(\hat{x})\right|\f$, where \f$\hat{x}\f$ is a vector specifying 
    feature location and scale, used to reject unstable features;  assumes 
pixel values in the range [0, 1] 
@param curv_thr threshold on a feature's ratio of principle curvatures 
    used to reject features that are too edge-like 
@param img_dbl should be 1 if image doubling prior to scale space 
    construction is desired or 0 if not 
@param descr_width the width, \f$n\f$, of the \f$n \times n\f$ array of 
    orientation histograms used to compute a feature's descriptor 
@param descr_hist_bins the number of orientations in each of the 
    histograms in the array used to compute a feature's descriptor 

@return Returns the number of keypoints stored in \a feat or -1 on failure 
@see sift_features() 
extern int _sift_features( IplImage* img, struct feature** feat, int intvls,  
                          double sigma, double contr_thr, int curv_thr,  
                          int img_dbl, int descr_width, int descr_hist_bins );  



Functions for detecting SIFT image features. 

For more information, refer to: 

Lowe, D.  Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints. 
<EM>International Journal of Computer Vision, 60</EM>, 2 (2004), 

Copyright (C) 2006-2010  Rob Hess <hess@eecs.oregonstate.edu> 

Note: The SIFT algorithm is patented in the United States and cannot be 
used in commercial products without a license from the University of 
British Columbia.  For more information, refer to the file LICENSE.ubc 
that accompanied this distribution. 

@version 1.1.2-20100521 


#include "sift.h"  
#include "imgfeatures.h"  
#include "utils.h"  

#include <cxcore.h>  
#include <cv.h>  

/************************ 未暴露接口的一些本地函数的声明 **************************/  
/************************* Local Function Prototypes *************************/  

static IplImage* create_init_img( IplImage*, int, double );  
static IplImage* convert_to_gray32( IplImage* );  
static IplImage*** build_gauss_pyr( IplImage*, int, int, double );  
static IplImage* downsample( IplImage* );  
static IplImage*** build_dog_pyr( IplImage***, int, int );  
static CvSeq* scale_space_extrema( IplImage***, int, int, double, int, CvMemStorage*);  
static int is_extremum( IplImage***, int, int, int, int );  
static struct feature* interp_extremum( IplImage***, int, int, int, int, int, double);  
static void interp_step( IplImage***, int, int, int, int, double*, double*, double* );  
static CvMat* deriv_3D( IplImage***, int, int, int, int );  
static CvMat* hessian_3D( IplImage***, int, int, int, int );  
//计算被插值点的对比度:D + 0.5 * dD^T * X  
static double interp_contr( IplImage***, int, int, int, int, double, double, double );  
static struct feature* new_feature( void );  
static int is_too_edge_like( IplImage*, int, int, int );  
static void calc_feature_scales( CvSeq*, double, int );  
static void adjust_for_img_dbl( CvSeq* );  
static void calc_feature_oris( CvSeq*, IplImage*** );  
static double* ori_hist( IplImage*, int, int, int, int, double );  
static int calc_grad_mag_ori( IplImage*, int, int, double*, double* );  
static void smooth_ori_hist( double*, int );  
static double dominant_ori( double*, int );  
static void add_good_ori_features( CvSeq*, double*, int, double, struct feature* );  
static struct feature* clone_feature( struct feature* );  
static void compute_descriptors( CvSeq*, IplImage***, int, int );  
static double*** descr_hist( IplImage*, int, int, double, double, int, int );  
static void interp_hist_entry( double***, double, double, double, double, int, int);  
static void hist_to_descr( double***, int, int, struct feature* );  
static void normalize_descr( struct feature* );  
static int feature_cmp( void*, void*, void* );  
static void release_descr_hist( double****, int );  
static void release_pyr( IplImage****, int, int );  

/*********************** Functions prototyped in sift.h **********************/  

Finds SIFT features in an image using default parameter values.  All 
detected features are stored in the array pointed to by \a feat. 

@param img the image in which to detect features 
@param feat a pointer to an array in which to store detected features 

@return Returns the number of features stored in \a feat or -1 on failure 
@see _sift_features() 
int sift_features( IplImage* img, struct feature** feat )  
    return _sift_features( img, feat, SIFT_INTVLS, SIFT_SIGMA, SIFT_CONTR_THR,  
                            SIFT_CURV_THR, SIFT_IMG_DBL, SIFT_DESCR_WIDTH,  
                            SIFT_DESCR_HIST_BINS );  

Finds SIFT features in an image using user-specified parameter values.  All 
detected features are stored in the array pointed to by \a feat. 

@param img the image in which to detect features 
@param feat a pointer to an array in which to store detected features 
@param intvls the number of intervals sampled per octave of scale space 
@param sigma the amount of Gaussian smoothing applied to each image level 
    before building the scale space representation for an octave 
@param cont_thr a threshold on the value of the scale space function 
    \f$\left|D(\hat{x})\right|\f$, where \f$\hat{x}\f$ is a vector specifying 
    feature location and scale, used to reject unstable features;  assumes 
    pixel values in the range [0, 1] 
@param curv_thr threshold on a feature's ratio of principle curvatures 
    used to reject features that are too edge-like 
@param img_dbl should be 1 if image doubling prior to scale space 
    construction is desired or 0 if not 
@param descr_width the width, \f$n\f$, of the \f$n \times n\f$ array of 
    orientation histograms used to compute a feature's descriptor 
@param descr_hist_bins the number of orientations in each of the 
    histograms in the array used to compute a feature's descriptor 

@return Returns the number of keypoints stored in \a feat or -1 on failure 
@see sift_keypoints() 
int _sift_features( IplImage* img, struct feature** feat, int intvls,  
                   double sigma, double contr_thr, int curv_thr,  
                   int img_dbl, int descr_width, int descr_hist_bins )  
    IplImage* init_img;//原图经初始化后的图像,归一化的32位灰度图  
    IplImage*** gauss_pyr, *** dog_pyr;//三级指针,高斯金字塔图像组,DoG金字塔图像组  
    CvMemStorage* storage;//存储器  
    CvSeq* features;//存储特征点的序列,序列中存放的是struct feature类型的指针  
    int octvs, i, n = 0;  

    /* check arguments */  
    if( ! img )  
        fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d",  __FILE__, __LINE__ );  

    if( ! feat )  
        fatal_error( "NULL pointer error, %s, line %d",  __FILE__, __LINE__ );  

    /* build scale space pyramid; smallest dimension of top level is ~4 pixels */  

    init_img = create_init_img( img, img_dbl, sigma );  
    octvs = log( MIN( init_img->width, init_img->height ) ) / log(2) - 2;  
    gauss_pyr = build_gauss_pyr( init_img, octvs, intvls, sigma );  
    dog_pyr = build_dog_pyr( gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls );  

    storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );  
    features = scale_space_extrema( dog_pyr, octvs, intvls, contr_thr, curv_thr, storage );  
    calc_feature_scales( features, sigma, intvls );  
    if( img_dbl )//将特征点序列中每个特征点的坐标减半(当设置了将图像放大为原图的2倍时,特征点检测完之后调用)  
        adjust_for_img_dbl( features );  

    calc_feature_oris( features, gauss_pyr );  

    compute_descriptors( features, gauss_pyr, descr_width, descr_hist_bins );  

    /* sort features by decreasing scale and move from CvSeq to array */  
    cvSeqSort( features, (CvCmpFunc)feature_cmp, NULL );  

    //将CvSeq类型的特征点序列features转换为通用的struct feature类型的数组feat  
    n = features->total;//特征点个数  
    *feat = calloc( n, sizeof(struct feature) );//分配控件  
    *feat = cvCvtSeqToArray( features, *feat, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );  

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  
        free( (*feat)[i].feature_data );  
        (*feat)[i].feature_data = NULL;  

    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );//释放内存存储器  
    cvReleaseImage( &init_img );//释放初始化后的图像  
    release_pyr( &gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls + 3 );//释放高斯金字塔图像组  
    release_pyr( &dog_pyr, octvs, intvls + 2 );//释放高斯差分金字塔图像组  

    return n;//返回检测到的特征点的个数  

/******************************* 本地函数的实现 ********************************/  
/************************ Functions prototyped here **************************/  

Converts an image to 32-bit grayscale and Gaussian-smooths it.  The image is 
optionally doubled in size prior to smoothing. 
@param img input image 
@param img_dbl if true, image is doubled in size prior to smoothing 
@param sigma total std of Gaussian smoothing 
static IplImage* create_init_img( IplImage* img, int img_dbl, double sigma )  
    IplImage* gray, * dbl;  
    float sig_diff;  

    gray = convert_to_gray32( img );  

    if( img_dbl )  
        sig_diff = sqrt( sigma * sigma - SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * 4 );  
        dbl = cvCreateImage( cvSize( img->width*2, img->height*2 ),IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );//创建放大图像  
        cvResize( gray, dbl, CV_INTER_CUBIC );//放大原图的尺寸  
        cvSmooth( dbl, dbl, CV_GAUSSIAN, 0, 0, sig_diff, sig_diff );  
        cvReleaseImage( &gray );  
        return dbl;  
        sig_diff = sqrt( sigma * sigma - SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * SIFT_INIT_SIGMA );  
        cvSmooth( gray, gray, CV_GAUSSIAN, 0, 0, sig_diff, sig_diff );  
        return gray;  

Converts an image to 32-bit grayscale 
@param img a 3-channel 8-bit color (BGR) or 8-bit gray image 
@return Returns a 32-bit grayscale image 
static IplImage* convert_to_gray32( IplImage* img )  
    IplImage* gray8, * gray32;  

    gray32 = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );//创建32位单通道图像  

    if( img->nChannels == 1 )//若原图本身就是单通道,直接克隆原图  
        gray8 = cvClone( img );  
        gray8 = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );//创建8位单通道图像  
        cvCvtColor( img, gray8, CV_BGR2GRAY );//将原图转换为8为单通道图像  

    cvConvertScale( gray8, gray32, 1.0 / 255.0, 0 );  

    cvReleaseImage( &gray8 );//释放临时图像  

    return gray32;//返回32位单通道图像  

Builds Gaussian scale space pyramid from an image 
@param base base image of the pyramid 
@param octvs number of octaves of scale space 
@param intvls number of intervals per octave 
@param sigma amount of Gaussian smoothing per octave 
@return Returns a Gaussian scale space pyramid as an octvs x (intvls + 3) array 
static IplImage*** build_gauss_pyr( IplImage* base, int octvs,  
                                    int intvls, double sigma )  
    IplImage*** gauss_pyr;  
    double* sig = calloc( intvls + 3, sizeof(double));//每层的sigma参数数组  
    double sig_total, sig_prev, k;  
    int i, o;  

    gauss_pyr = calloc( octvs, sizeof( IplImage** ) );  
    for( i = 0; i < octvs; i++ )  
        gauss_pyr[i] = calloc( intvls + 3, sizeof( IplImage* ) );  

    /*  precompute Gaussian sigmas using the following formula: 
        sigma_{total}^2 = sigma_{i}^2 + sigma_{i-1}^2   */  
    sig[0] = sigma;//初始尺度  
    k = pow( 2.0, 1.0 / intvls );  
    for( i = 1; i < intvls + 3; i++ )  
        sig_prev = pow( k, i - 1 ) * sigma;//i-1层的尺度  
        sig_total = sig_prev * k;//i层的尺度  
        sig[i] = sqrt( sig_total * sig_total - sig_prev * sig_prev );//不懂这里为什么?  

    for( o = 0; o < octvs; o++ )//遍历组  
        for( i = 0; i < intvls + 3; i++ )//遍历层  
            if( o == 0  &&  i == 0 )//第0组,第0层,就是原图像  
                gauss_pyr[o][i] = cvCloneImage(base);   
            else if( i == 0 )//新的一组的首层图像是由上一组最后一层图像下采样得到  
                gauss_pyr[o][i] = downsample( gauss_pyr[o-1][intvls] );   
            {   //创建图像  
                gauss_pyr[o][i] = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(gauss_pyr[o][i-1]),IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );  
                cvSmooth( gauss_pyr[o][i-1], gauss_pyr[o][i], CV_GAUSSIAN, 0, 0, sig[i], sig[i] );  

    free( sig );//释放sigma参数数组  

    return gauss_pyr;//返回高斯金字塔  

Downsamples an image to a quarter of its size (half in each dimension) 
using nearest-neighbor interpolation 
@param img an image 
@return Returns an image whose dimensions are half those of img 
static IplImage* downsample( IplImage* img )  
    IplImage* smaller = cvCreateImage( cvSize(img->width / 2, img->height / 2), img->depth, img->nChannels );  
    cvResize( img, smaller, CV_INTER_NN );//尺寸变换  

    return smaller;  

Builds a difference of Gaussians scale space pyramid by subtracting adjacent 
intervals of a Gaussian pyramid 
@param gauss_pyr Gaussian scale-space pyramid 
@param octvs number of octaves of scale space 
@param intvls number of intervals per octave 
@return Returns a difference of Gaussians scale space pyramid as an octvs x (intvls + 2) array 
static IplImage*** build_dog_pyr( IplImage*** gauss_pyr, int octvs, int intvls )  
    IplImage*** dog_pyr;  
    int i, o;  

    dog_pyr = calloc( octvs, sizeof( IplImage** ) );  
    for( i = 0; i < octvs; i++ )  
        dog_pyr[i] = calloc( intvls + 2, sizeof(IplImage*) );  

    for( o = 0; o < octvs; o++ )//遍历组  
        for( i = 0; i < intvls + 2; i++ )//遍历层  
        {   //创建DoG金字塔的第o组第i层的差分图像  
            dog_pyr[o][i] = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(gauss_pyr[o][i]), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );  
            cvSub( gauss_pyr[o][i+1], gauss_pyr[o][i], dog_pyr[o][i], NULL );  

    return dog_pyr;//返回高斯差分金字塔  

Detects features at extrema in DoG scale space.  Bad features are discarded 
based on contrast and ratio of principal curvatures. 
@param dog_pyr DoG scale space pyramid 
@param octvs octaves of scale space represented by dog_pyr 
@param intvls intervals per octave 
@param contr_thr low threshold on feature contrast 
@param curv_thr high threshold on feature ratio of principal curvatures 
@param storage memory storage in which to store detected features 
@return Returns an array of detected features whose scales, orientations, 
    and descriptors are yet to be determined. 
static CvSeq* scale_space_extrema( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octvs, int intvls,  
                                   double contr_thr, int curv_thr, CvMemStorage* storage )  
    CvSeq* features;//特征点序列  
    double prelim_contr_thr = 0.5 * contr_thr / intvls;//像素的对比度阈值  
    struct feature* feat;  
    struct detection_data* ddata;  
    int o, i, r, c;  

    features = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(struct feature), storage );  

    for( o = 0; o < octvs; o++ )//第o组  
        for( i = 1; i <= intvls; i++ )//遍i层  
            for(r = SIFT_IMG_BORDER; r < dog_pyr[o][0]->height-SIFT_IMG_BORDER; r++)//第r行  
                for(c = SIFT_IMG_BORDER; c < dog_pyr[o][0]->width-SIFT_IMG_BORDER; c++)//第c列  
                    if( ABS( pixval32f( dog_pyr[o][i], r, c ) ) > prelim_contr_thr )  
                        if( is_extremum( dog_pyr, o, i, r, c ) )//若是极值点  
                            feat = interp_extremum(dog_pyr, o, i, r, c, intvls, contr_thr);  
                            if( feat )  
                                ddata = feat_detection_data( feat );  
                                if( ! is_too_edge_like( dog_pyr[ddata->octv][ddata->intvl], ddata->r, ddata->c, curv_thr ) )  
                                    cvSeqPush( features, feat );//向特征点序列features末尾插入新检测到的特征点feat  
                                    free( ddata );  
                                free( feat );  

    return features;//返回特征点序列  

Determines whether a pixel is a scale-space extremum by comparing it to it's 3x3x3 pixel neighborhood. 
@param dog_pyr DoG scale space pyramid 
@param octv pixel's scale space octave 
@param intvl pixel's within-octave interval 
@param r pixel's image row 
@param c pixel's image col 
@return Returns 1 if the specified pixel is an extremum (max or min) among it's 3x3x3 pixel neighborhood. 
static int is_extremum( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c )  
    float val = pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r, c );  
    int i, j, k;  

    if( val > 0 )  
        for( i = -1; i <= 1; i++ )//层  
            for( j = -1; j <= 1; j++ )//行  
                for( k = -1; k <= 1; k++ )//列  
                    if( val < pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+i], r + j, c + k ) )  
                        return 0;  
        for( i = -1; i <= 1; i++ )//层  
            for( j = -1; j <= 1; j++ )//行  
                for( k = -1; k <= 1; k++ )//列  
                    if( val > pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+i], r + j, c + k ) )  
                        return 0;  

    return 1;  

Interpolates a scale-space extremum's location and scale to subpixel 
accuracy to form an image feature.  Rejects features with low contrast. 
Based on Section 4 of Lowe's paper.   
@param dog_pyr DoG scale space pyramid 
@param octv feature's octave of scale space 
@param intvl feature's within-octave interval 
@param r feature's image row 
@param c feature's image column 
@param intvls total intervals per octave 
@param contr_thr threshold on feature contrast 
@return Returns the feature resulting from interpolation of the given 
    parameters or NULL if the given location could not be interpolated or 
    if contrast at the interpolated loation was too low.  If a feature is 
    returned, its scale, orientation, and descriptor are yet to be determined. 
static struct feature* interp_extremum( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl,  
                                        int r, int c, int intvls, double contr_thr )  
    struct feature* feat;//修正后的特征点  
    struct detection_data* ddata;//与特征检测有关的结构,存在feature结构的feature_data成员中  
    double xi, xr, xc, contr;//xi,xr,xc分别为亚像素的intvl(层),row(y),col(x)方向上的增量(偏移量)  
    int i = 0;//插值次数  

    while( i < SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS )  
        interp_step( dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c, &xi, &xr, &xc );  
        if( ABS( xi ) < 0.5  &&  ABS( xr ) < 0.5  &&  ABS( xc ) < 0.5 )//若三方向上偏移量都小于0.5,表示已经够精确,则不用继续插值  

        c += cvRound( xc );//x坐标修正  
        r += cvRound( xr );//y坐标修正  
        intvl += cvRound( xi );//σ方向,即层方向  

        if( intvl < 1  ||           //层坐标插之后越界  
            intvl > intvls  ||  
            c < SIFT_IMG_BORDER  ||   //行列坐标插之后到边界线内  
            r < SIFT_IMG_BORDER  ||  
            c >= dog_pyr[octv][0]->width - SIFT_IMG_BORDER  ||  
            r >= dog_pyr[octv][0]->height - SIFT_IMG_BORDER )  
            return NULL;  


    if( i >= SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS )  
        return NULL;  

    //计算被插值点的对比度:D + 0.5 * dD^T * X  
    contr = interp_contr( dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c, xi, xr, xc );  
    if( ABS( contr ) < contr_thr / intvls )//若该点对比度过小,舍弃,返回NULL  
        return NULL;  

    feat = new_feature();  
    ddata = feat_detection_data( feat );  

    feat->img_pt.x = feat->x = ( c + xc ) * pow( 2.0, octv );  
    feat->img_pt.y = feat->y = ( r + xr ) * pow( 2.0, octv );  

    ddata->r = r;//特征点所在的行  
    ddata->c = c;//特征点所在的列  
    ddata->octv = octv;//高斯差分金字塔中,特征点所在的组  
    ddata->intvl = intvl;//高斯差分金字塔中,特征点所在的组中的层  
    ddata->subintvl = xi;//特征点在层方向(σ方向,intvl方向)上的亚像素偏移量  

    return feat;//返回特征点指针  

Performs one step of extremum interpolation.  Based on Eqn. (3) in Lowe's paper. 
@param dog_pyr difference of Gaussians scale space pyramid 
@param octv octave of scale space 
@param intvl interval being interpolated 
@param r row being interpolated 
@param c column being interpolated 
@param xi output as interpolated subpixel increment to interval 
@param xr output as interpolated subpixel increment to row 
@param xc output as interpolated subpixel increment to col 
static void interp_step( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c,  
                         double* xi, double* xr, double* xc )  
    CvMat* dD, * H, * H_inv, X;  
    double x[3] = { 0 };  

    dD = deriv_3D( dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c );  
    H = hessian_3D( dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c );  
    H_inv = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1 );//海森矩阵的逆阵  
    cvInvert( H, H_inv, CV_SVD );  
    cvInitMatHeader( &X, 3, 1, CV_64FC1, x, CV_AUTOSTEP );//初始化向量X,计算后X中是三方向上的偏移量  
    //X = - H^(-1) * dD,这里的海森矩阵H就是高斯差分函数D的二阶偏导,dD就是高斯差分函数D的一阶偏导  
    cvGEMM( H_inv, dD, -1, NULL, 0, &X, 0 );  

    cvReleaseMat( &dD );  
    cvReleaseMat( &H );  
    cvReleaseMat( &H_inv );  

    *xi = x[2];//σ方向(层方向)偏移量  
    *xr = x[1];//y方向上偏移量  
    *xc = x[0];//x方向上偏移量  

返回值:返回3个偏导数组成的列向量{ dI/dx, dI/dy, dI/ds }^T 
Computes the partial derivatives in x, y, and scale of a pixel in the DoG scale space pyramid. 
@param dog_pyr DoG scale space pyramid 
@param octv pixel's octave in dog_pyr 
@param intvl pixel's interval in octv 
@param r pixel's image row 
@param c pixel's image col 
@return Returns the vector of partial derivatives for pixel I 
    { dI/dx, dI/dy, dI/ds }^T as a CvMat* 
static CvMat* deriv_3D( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c )  
    CvMat* dI;  
    double dx, dy, ds;  

    dx = ( pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r, c+1 ) -  
        pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r, c-1 ) ) / 2.0;  
    dy = ( pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r+1, c ) -  
        pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r-1, c ) ) / 2.0;  
    ds = ( pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+1], r, c ) -  
        pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl-1], r, c ) ) / 2.0;  

    dI = cvCreateMat( 3, 1, CV_64FC1 );  
    cvmSet( dI, 0, 0, dx );  
    cvmSet( dI, 1, 0, dy );  
    cvmSet( dI, 2, 0, ds );  

    return dI;  

    / Ixx  Ixy  Ixs \ 
    | Ixy  Iyy  Iys | 
    \ Ixs  Iys  Iss / 
Computes the 3D Hessian matrix for a pixel in the DoG scale space pyramid. 
@param dog_pyr DoG scale space pyramid 
@param octv pixel's octave in dog_pyr 
@param intvl pixel's interval in octv 
@param r pixel's image row 
@param c pixel's image col 
@return Returns the Hessian matrix (below) for pixel I as a CvMat* 

    / Ixx  Ixy  Ixs \ 
    | Ixy  Iyy  Iys | 
    \ Ixs  Iys  Iss / 
static CvMat* hessian_3D( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c )  
    CvMat* H;  
    double v, dxx, dyy, dss, dxy, dxs, dys;  

    v = pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r, c );//该点的像素值  

    //dxx = f(i+1,j) - 2f(i,j) + f(i-1,j)  
    //dyy = f(i,j+1) - 2f(i,j) + f(i,j-1)  
    dxx = ( pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r, c+1 ) +   
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r, c-1 ) - 2 * v );  
    dyy = ( pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r+1, c ) +  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r-1, c ) - 2 * v );  
    dss = ( pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+1], r, c ) +  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl-1], r, c ) - 2 * v );  
    dxy = ( pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r+1, c+1 ) -  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r+1, c-1 ) -  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r-1, c+1 ) +  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r-1, c-1 ) ) / 4.0;  
    dxs = ( pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+1], r, c+1 ) -  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+1], r, c-1 ) -  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl-1], r, c+1 ) +  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl-1], r, c-1 ) ) / 4.0;  
    dys = ( pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+1], r+1, c ) -  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl+1], r-1, c ) -  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl-1], r+1, c ) +  
            pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl-1], r-1, c ) ) / 4.0;  

    H = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1 );  
    cvmSet( H, 0, 0, dxx );  
    cvmSet( H, 0, 1, dxy );  
    cvmSet( H, 0, 2, dxs );  
    cvmSet( H, 1, 0, dxy );  
    cvmSet( H, 1, 1, dyy );  
    cvmSet( H, 1, 2, dys );  
    cvmSet( H, 2, 0, dxs );  
    cvmSet( H, 2, 1, dys );  
    cvmSet( H, 2, 2, dss );  

    return H;  

/*计算被插值点的对比度:D + 0.5 * dD^T * X 
Calculates interpolated pixel contrast.  Based on Eqn. (3) in Lowe's paper. 
@param dog_pyr difference of Gaussians scale space pyramid 
@param octv octave of scale space 
@param intvl within-octave interval 
@param r pixel row 
@param c pixel column 
@param xi interpolated subpixel increment to interval 
@param xr interpolated subpixel increment to row 
@param xc interpolated subpixel increment to col 
@param Returns interpolated contrast. 
static double interp_contr( IplImage*** dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r,  
                            int c, double xi, double xr, double xc )  
    CvMat* dD, X, T;  
    double t[1], x[3] = { xc, xr, xi };  

    cvInitMatHeader( &X, 3, 1, CV_64FC1, x, CV_AUTOSTEP );  
    cvInitMatHeader( &T, 1, 1, CV_64FC1, t, CV_AUTOSTEP );  
    dD = deriv_3D( dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c );  
    //矩阵乘法:T = dD^T * X  
    cvGEMM( dD, &X, 1, NULL, 0, &T,  CV_GEMM_A_T );  
    cvReleaseMat( &dD );  

    //返回计算出的对比度值:D + 0.5 * dD^T * X (具体公式推导见SIFT算法说明)  
    return pixval32f( dog_pyr[octv][intvl], r, c ) + t[0] * 0.5;  

Allocates and initializes a new feature 
@return Returns a pointer to the new feature 
static struct feature* new_feature( void )  
    struct feature* feat;//特征点指针  
    struct detection_data* ddata;//与特征检测相关的结构  

    feat = malloc( sizeof( struct feature ) );//分配空间  
    memset( feat, 0, sizeof( struct feature ) );//清零  
    ddata = malloc( sizeof( struct detection_data ) );  
    memset( ddata, 0, sizeof( struct detection_data ) );  
    feat->feature_data = ddata;//将特征检测相关的结构指针赋值给特征点的feature_data成员  
    feat->type = FEATURE_LOWE;//默认是LOWE类型的特征点  

    return feat;  

Determines whether a feature is too edge like to be stable by computing the 
ratio of principal curvatures at that feature.  Based on Section 4.1 of Lowe's paper. 
@param dog_img image from the DoG pyramid in which feature was detected 
@param r feature row 
@param c feature col 
@param curv_thr high threshold on ratio of principal curvatures 
@return Returns 0 if the feature at (r,c) in dog_img is sufficiently corner-like or 1 otherwise. 
static int is_too_edge_like( IplImage* dog_img, int r, int c, int curv_thr )  
    double d, dxx, dyy, dxy, tr, det;  

      设a是海森矩阵的较大特征值,b是较小的特征值,有a = r*b,r是大小特征值的比值 
      tr(H) = a + b; det(H) = a*b; 
      tr(H)^2 / det(H) = (a+b)^2 / ab = (r+1)^2/r 
      r越大,越可能是边缘点;伴随r的增大,(r+1)^2/r 的值也增大,所以可通过(r+1)^2/r 判断主曲率比值是否满足条件*/  
    /* principal curvatures are computed using the trace and det of Hessian */  
    d = pixval32f(dog_img, r, c);//调用函数pixval32f获取图像dog_img的第r行第c列的点的坐标值  

    /*  / dxx  dxy \ 
        \ dxy  dyy /   */  
    dxx = pixval32f( dog_img, r, c+1 ) + pixval32f( dog_img, r, c-1 ) - 2 * d;  
    dyy = pixval32f( dog_img, r+1, c ) + pixval32f( dog_img, r-1, c ) - 2 * d;  
    dxy = ( pixval32f(dog_img, r+1, c+1) - pixval32f(dog_img, r+1, c-1) -  
            pixval32f(dog_img, r-1, c+1) + pixval32f(dog_img, r-1, c-1) ) / 4.0;  
    tr = dxx + dyy;//海森矩阵的迹  
    det = dxx * dyy - dxy * dxy;//海森矩阵的行列式  

    /* negative determinant -> curvatures have different signs; reject feature */  
    if( det <= 0 )  
        return 1;//返回1表明此点是边缘点  

    //通过式子:(r+1)^2/r 判断主曲率的比值是否满足条件,若小于阈值,表明不是边缘点  
    if( tr * tr / det < ( curv_thr + 1.0 )*( curv_thr + 1.0 ) / curv_thr )  
        return 0;//不是边缘点  
    return 1;//是边缘点  

Calculates characteristic scale for each feature in an array. 
@param features array of features 
@param sigma amount of Gaussian smoothing per octave of scale space 
@param intvls intervals per octave of scale space 
static void calc_feature_scales( CvSeq* features, double sigma, int intvls )  
    struct feature* feat;  
    struct detection_data* ddata;  
    double intvl;  
    int i, n;  

    n = features->total;//总的特征点个数  

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  
        //调用宏,获取序列features中的第i个元素,并强制转换为struct feature类型  
        feat = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( struct feature, features, i );  
        ddata = feat_detection_data( feat );  
        intvl = ddata->intvl + ddata->subintvl;  
        feat->scl = sigma * pow( 2.0, ddata->octv + intvl / intvls );  
        ddata->scl_octv = sigma * pow( 2.0, intvl / intvls );  

Halves feature coordinates and scale in case the input image was doubled 
prior to scale space construction. 
@param features array of features 
static void adjust_for_img_dbl( CvSeq* features )  
    struct feature* feat;  
    int i, n;  

    n = features->total;//总的特征点个数  

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  
        //调用宏,获取序列features中的第i个元素,并强制转换为struct feature类型  
        feat = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( struct feature, features, i );  
        feat->x /= 2.0;  
        feat->y /= 2.0;  
        feat->scl /= 2.0;  
        feat->img_pt.x /= 2.0;  
        feat->img_pt.y /= 2.0;  

Computes a canonical orientation for each image feature in an array.  Based 
on Section 5 of Lowe's paper.  This function adds features to the array when 
there is more than one dominant orientation at a given feature location. 
@param features an array of image features 
@param gauss_pyr Gaussian scale space pyramid 
static void calc_feature_oris( CvSeq* features, IplImage*** gauss_pyr )  
    struct feature* feat;  
    struct detection_data* ddata;  
    double* hist;//存放梯度直方图的数组  
    double omax;  
    int i, j, n = features->total;//特征点个数  

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  
        feat = malloc( sizeof( struct feature ) );  
        cvSeqPopFront( features, feat );  
        ddata = feat_detection_data( feat );  

        hist = ori_hist( gauss_pyr[ddata->octv][ddata->intvl],       //特征点所在的图像  
                        ddata->r, ddata->c,                          //特征点的行列坐标  
                        SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS,                          //默认的梯度直方图的bin(柱子)个数  
                        cvRound( SIFT_ORI_RADIUS * ddata->scl_octv ),//特征点方向赋值过程中,搜索邻域的半径为:3 * 1.5 * σ  
                        SIFT_ORI_SIG_FCTR * ddata->scl_octv );       //计算直翻图时梯度幅值的高斯权重的初始值  

        for( j = 0; j < SIFT_ORI_SMOOTH_PASSES; j++ )  
            smooth_ori_hist( hist, SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS );  

        omax = dominant_ori( hist, SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS );  
          幅值阈值一般设置为当前特征点的梯度直方图的最大bin值的80%                   */  
        add_good_ori_features( features, hist, SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS,  
                                omax * SIFT_ORI_PEAK_RATIO, feat );  
        free( ddata );  
        free( feat );  
        free( hist );  

Computes a gradient orientation histogram at a specified pixel. 
@param img image 
@param r pixel row 
@param c pixel col 
@param n number of histogram bins 
@param rad radius of region over which histogram is computed 
@param sigma std for Gaussian weighting of histogram entries 
@return Returns an n-element array containing an orientation histogram 
    representing orientations between 0 and 2 PI. 
static double* ori_hist( IplImage* img, int r, int c, int n, int rad, double sigma)  
    double* hist;//直方图数组  
    double mag, ori, w, exp_denom, PI2 = CV_PI * 2.0;  
    int bin, i, j;  

    hist = calloc( n, sizeof( double ) );  
    exp_denom = 2.0 * sigma * sigma;  

    for( i = -rad; i <= rad; i++ )  
        for( j = -rad; j <= rad; j++ )  
            if( calc_grad_mag_ori( img, r + i, c + j, &mag, &ori ) )  
                w = exp( -( i*i + j*j ) / exp_denom );//该点的梯度幅值权重  
                bin = cvRound( n * ( ori + CV_PI ) / PI2 );//计算梯度的方向对应的直方图中的bin下标  
                bin = ( bin < n )? bin : 0;  
                hist[bin] += w * mag;//在直方图的某个bin中累加加权后的幅值  

    return hist;//返回直方图数组  

Calculates the gradient magnitude and orientation at a given pixel. 
@param img image 
@param r pixel row 
@param c pixel col 
@param mag output as gradient magnitude at pixel (r,c) 
@param ori output as gradient orientation at pixel (r,c) 
@return Returns 1 if the specified pixel is a valid one and sets mag and 
    ori accordingly; otherwise returns 0 
static int calc_grad_mag_ori( IplImage* img, int r, int c, double* mag, double* ori )  
    double dx, dy;  

    if( r > 0  &&  r < img->height - 1  &&  c > 0  &&  c < img->width - 1 )  
        dx = pixval32f( img, r, c+1 ) - pixval32f( img, r, c-1 );//x方向偏导  
        dy = pixval32f( img, r-1, c ) - pixval32f( img, r+1, c );//y方向偏导  
        *mag = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );//梯度的幅值,即梯度的模  
        *ori = atan2( dy, dx );//梯度的方向  
        return 1;  
        return 0;  

Gaussian smooths an orientation histogram. 
@param hist an orientation histogram 
@param n number of bins 
static void smooth_ori_hist( double* hist, int n )  
    double prev, tmp, h0 = hist[0];  
    int i;  

    prev = hist[n-1];  
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  
        tmp = hist[i];  
        hist[i] = 0.25 * prev + 0.5 * hist[i] +   
            0.25 * ( ( i+1 == n )? h0 : hist[i+1] );  
        prev = tmp;  

Finds the magnitude of the dominant orientation in a histogram 
@param hist an orientation histogram 
@param n number of bins 
@return Returns the value of the largest bin in hist 
static double dominant_ori( double* hist, int n )  
    double omax;  
    int maxbin, i;  

    omax = hist[0];  
    maxbin = 0;  

    for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )  
        if( hist[i] > omax )  
            omax = hist[i];  
            maxbin = i;  
    return omax;//返回最大的bin的值  

Interpolates a histogram peak from left, center, and right values 
#define interp_hist_peak( l, c, r ) ( 0.5 * ((l)-(r)) / ((l) - 2.0*(c) + (r)) )  

Adds features to an array for every orientation in a histogram greater than a specified threshold. 
@param features new features are added to the end of this array 
@param hist orientation histogram 
@param n number of bins in hist 
@param mag_thr new features are added for entries in hist greater than this 
@param feat new features are clones of this with different orientations 
static void add_good_ori_features( CvSeq* features, double* hist, int n,  
                                   double mag_thr, struct feature* feat )  
    struct feature* new_feat;  
    double bin, PI2 = CV_PI * 2.0;  
    int l, r, i;  

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  
        l = ( i == 0 )? n - 1 : i-1;//前一个(左边的)bin的下标  
        r = ( i + 1 ) % n;//后一个(右边的)bin的下标  

        if( hist[i] > hist[l]  &&  hist[i] > hist[r]  &&  hist[i] >= mag_thr )  
            bin = i + interp_hist_peak( hist[l], hist[i], hist[r] );  
            bin = ( bin < 0 )? n + bin : ( bin >= n )? bin - n : bin;//将插值结果规范到[0,n]内  
            new_feat = clone_feature( feat );//克隆当前特征点为新特征点  
            new_feat->ori = ( ( PI2 * bin ) / n ) - CV_PI;//新特征点的方向  
            cvSeqPush( features, new_feat );//插入到特征点序列末尾  
            free( new_feat );  

Makes a deep copy of a feature 
@param feat feature to be cloned 
@return Returns a deep copy of feat 
static struct feature* clone_feature( struct feature* feat )  
    struct feature* new_feat;  
    struct detection_data* ddata;  

    new_feat = new_feature();  
    ddata = feat_detection_data( new_feat );  
    memcpy( new_feat, feat, sizeof( struct feature ) );  
    memcpy( ddata, feat_detection_data(feat), sizeof( struct detection_data ) );  
    new_feat->feature_data = ddata;  

    return new_feat;//返回克隆生成的特征点的指针  

Computes feature descriptors for features in an array.  Based on Section 6 of Lowe's paper. 
@param features array of features 
@param gauss_pyr Gaussian scale space pyramid 
@param d width of 2D array of orientation histograms 
@param n number of bins per orientation histogram 
static void compute_descriptors( CvSeq* features, IplImage*** gauss_pyr, int d, int n)  
    struct feature* feat;  
    struct detection_data* ddata;  
    double*** hist;//d*d*n的三维直方图数组  
    int i, k = features->total;//特征点的个数  

    for( i = 0; i < k; i++ )  
        //调用宏,获取序列features中的第i个元素,并强制转换为struct feature类型  
        feat = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( struct feature, features, i );  
        ddata = feat_detection_data( feat );  
        hist = descr_hist( gauss_pyr[ddata->octv][ddata->intvl], ddata->r,  
            ddata->c, feat->ori, ddata->scl_octv, d, n );  
        hist_to_descr( hist, d, n, feat );  
        release_descr_hist( &hist, d );  

Computes the 2D array of orientation histograms that form the feature 
descriptor.  Based on Section 6.1 of Lowe's paper. 
@param img image used in descriptor computation 
@param r row coord of center of orientation histogram array 
@param c column coord of center of orientation histogram array 
@param ori canonical orientation of feature whose descr is being computed 
@param scl scale relative to img of feature whose descr is being computed 
@param d width of 2d array of orientation histograms 
@param n bins per orientation histogram 
@return Returns a d x d array of n-bin orientation histograms. 
static double*** descr_hist( IplImage* img, int r, int c, double ori,  
                             double scl, int d, int n )  
    double*** hist;//d*d*n的三维直方图数组  
    double cos_t, sin_t, hist_width, exp_denom, r_rot, c_rot, grad_mag,  
        grad_ori, w, rbin, cbin, obin, bins_per_rad, PI2 = 2.0 * CV_PI;  
    int radius, i, j;  

    hist = calloc( d, sizeof( double** ) );//为第一维分配空间  
    for( i = 0; i < d; i++ )  
        hist[i] = calloc( d, sizeof( double* ) );//为第二维分配空间  
        for( j = 0; j < d; j++ )  
            hist[i][j] = calloc( n, sizeof( double ) );//为第三维分配空间  

    cos_t = cos( ori );  
    sin_t = sin( ori );  

    bins_per_rad = n / PI2;  
    exp_denom = d * d * 0.5;  
    hist_width = SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR * scl;  
    //考虑到要进行双线性插值,每个区域的宽度应为:SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR * scl * ( d + 1.0 )  
    //在考虑到旋转因素,每个区域的宽度应为:SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR * scl * ( d + 1.0 ) * sqrt(2)  
    //所以搜索的半径是:SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR * scl * ( d + 1.0 ) * sqrt(2) / 2  
    radius = hist_width * sqrt(2) * ( d + 1.0 ) * 0.5 + 0.5;  

    for( i = -radius; i <= radius; i++ )  
        for( j = -radius; j <= radius; j++ )  
            Calculate sample's histogram array coords rotated relative to ori. 
            Subtract 0.5 so samples that fall e.g. in the center of row 1 (i.e. 
            r_rot = 1.5) have full weight placed in row 1 after interpolation. 
            c_rot = ( j * cos_t - i * sin_t ) / hist_width;  
            r_rot = ( j * sin_t + i * cos_t ) / hist_width;  
            rbin = r_rot + d / 2 - 0.5;  
            cbin = c_rot + d / 2 - 0.5;  

            if( rbin > -1.0  &&  rbin < d  &&  cbin > -1.0  &&  cbin < d )  
                if( calc_grad_mag_ori( img, r + i, c + j, &grad_mag, &grad_ori ))  
                    grad_ori -= ori;  
                    while( grad_ori < 0.0 )  
                        grad_ori += PI2;  
                    while( grad_ori >= PI2 )  
                        grad_ori -= PI2;  

                    obin = grad_ori * bins_per_rad;  
                    w = exp( -(c_rot * c_rot + r_rot * r_rot) / exp_denom );  
                    interp_hist_entry( hist, rbin, cbin, obin, grad_mag * w, d, n );  

    return hist;  

Interpolates an entry into the array of orientation histograms that form the feature descriptor. 
@param hist 2D array of orientation histograms 
@param rbin sub-bin row coordinate of entry 
@param cbin sub-bin column coordinate of entry 
@param obin sub-bin orientation coordinate of entry 
@param mag size of entry 
@param d width of 2D array of orientation histograms 
@param n number of bins per orientation histogram 
static void interp_hist_entry( double*** hist, double rbin, double cbin,  
                               double obin, double mag, int d, int n )  
    double d_r, d_c, d_o, v_r, v_c, v_o;  
    double** row, * h;  
    int r0, c0, o0, rb, cb, ob, r, c, o;  

    r0 = cvFloor( rbin );  
    c0 = cvFloor( cbin );  
    o0 = cvFloor( obin );  
    d_r = rbin - r0;  
    d_c = cbin - c0;  
    d_o = obin - o0;  

    The entry is distributed into up to 8 bins.  Each entry into a bin 
    is multiplied by a weight of 1 - d for each dimension, where d is the 
    distance from the center value of the bin measured in bin units. 
    for( r = 0; r <= 1; r++ )  
        rb = r0 + r;  
        if( rb >= 0  &&  rb < d )  
            v_r = mag * ( ( r == 0 )? 1.0 - d_r : d_r );  
            row = hist[rb];  
            for( c = 0; c <= 1; c++ )  
                cb = c0 + c;  
                if( cb >= 0  &&  cb < d )  
                    v_c = v_r * ( ( c == 0 )? 1.0 - d_c : d_c );  
                    h = row[cb];  
                    for( o = 0; o <= 1; o++ )  
                        ob = ( o0 + o ) % n;  
                        v_o = v_c * ( ( o == 0 )? 1.0 - d_o : d_o );  
                        h[ob] += v_o;  

Converts the 2D array of orientation histograms into a feature's descriptor vector. 
@param hist 2D array of orientation histograms 
@param d width of hist 
@param n bins per histogram 
@param feat feature into which to store descriptor 
static void hist_to_descr( double*** hist, int d, int n, struct feature* feat )  
    int int_val, i, r, c, o, k = 0;  

    for( r = 0; r < d; r++ )  
        for( c = 0; c < d; c++ )  
            for( o = 0; o < n; o++ )  
                feat->descr[k++] = hist[r][c][o];  

    feat->d = k;//特征描述子的维数,一般是128  
    normalize_descr( feat );  

    for( i = 0; i < k; i++ )  
        if( feat->descr[i] > SIFT_DESCR_MAG_THR )  
            feat->descr[i] = SIFT_DESCR_MAG_THR;  
    normalize_descr( feat );  

    /* convert floating-point descriptor to integer valued descriptor */  
    for( i = 0; i < k; i++ )  
        int_val = SIFT_INT_DESCR_FCTR * feat->descr[i];  
        feat->descr[i] = MIN( 255, int_val );  

Normalizes a feature's descriptor vector to unitl length 
@param feat feature 
static void normalize_descr( struct feature* feat )  
    double cur, len_inv, len_sq = 0.0;  
    int i, d = feat->d;//特征描述子的维数  

    for( i = 0; i < d; i++ )  
        cur = feat->descr[i];  
        len_sq += cur*cur;  
    len_inv = 1.0 / sqrt( len_sq );  
    for( i = 0; i < d; i++ )  
        feat->descr[i] *= len_inv;  

Compares features for a decreasing-scale ordering.  Intended for use with CvSeqSort 
@param feat1 first feature 
@param feat2 second feature 
@param param unused 
@return Returns 1 if feat1's scale is greater than feat2's, -1 if vice versa, 
and 0 if their scales are equal 
static int feature_cmp( void* feat1, void* feat2, void* param )  
    //将输入的参数强制转换为struct feature类型的指针  
    struct feature* f1 = (struct feature*) feat1;  
    struct feature* f2 = (struct feature*) feat2;  

    if( f1->scl < f2->scl )  
        return 1;  
    if( f1->scl > f2->scl )  
        return -1;  
    return 0;  

De-allocates memory held by a descriptor histogram 
@param hist pointer to a 2D array of orientation histograms 
@param d width of hist 
static void release_descr_hist( double**** hist, int d )  
    int i, j;  

    for( i = 0; i < d; i++)  
        for( j = 0; j < d; j++ )  
            free( (*hist)[i][j] );//释放第三维的内存  
        free( (*hist)[i] );//释放第二维的内存  
    free( *hist );//释放第一维的内存  
    *hist = NULL;  

De-allocates memory held by a scale space pyramid 
@param pyr scale space pyramid 
@param octvs number of octaves of scale space 
@param n number of images per octave 
static void release_pyr( IplImage**** pyr, int octvs, int n )  
    int i, j;  
    for( i = 0; i < octvs; i++ )  
        for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )  
            cvReleaseImage( &(*pyr)[i][j] );//释放每个图像  
        free( (*pyr)[i] );//释放每个组  
    free( *pyr );//释放金字塔  
    *pyr = NULL;  

上一篇 RobHess的SIFT源码分析:xform.h和xform.c文件

下一篇 RobHess的SIFT源码分析:kdtree.h和kdtree.c文件

创建日期 2013-06-30
修改日期 2017-06-24


